Over the past several months LiveAquaria.com has been featuring Spiral Wire (Cirrhipathes spiralis) corals in their Divers Den “New Arrivals” section. As soon as I saw them I was hooked, I had never before seen these colorful uniquely shaped corals for sale or in any saltwater aquarium. I needed one for our tank but first I wanted to read up on it to make sure it was something that we could keep alive. I assumed the Spiral Wire coral was a type of gorgonian which worried me because we haven’t had the best of luck with our previous gorgonians.
A few weeks went by and I kept seeing Spirals pop up on the New Arrivals list but I never got around to researching them. I was way too busy at work trying to make sure all the loose ends were wrapped up before Mercedes had to head out on our cruise to the Western Caribbean.
While on our cruise we made a stop in Roatan, Honduras where we did a little snorkeling. Several of our tour guides made references to “Black Coral” and how we should be extra vigilant while snorkeling not to disturb any of it and not to buy any black coral jewelry in town. I had never heard of black coral before so I wasn’t sure what I was looking for underwater, I just made sure not to touch anything.
Once we got back home to Seattle I had two things on my mind; researching the Spiral Wire coral so I could make one mine and to figure out what exactly black coral was and how it was different then “regular coral”. As it turns out the Spiral Wire coral is a type of black coral.