Wednesday, May 29, 2013

phytoplankton update

brine shrimp water no longer looks like pee! yay! split the culture again this week and am experimenting with the phyto-food dosage and amino acid additive. will keep you posted...

greedy little starfish...

chomping on the snail cerith eggs!

Monday, May 20, 2013

japanese dendros update

i promised i wouldn't buy any more coral until my japanese dendros extended their polyps. they're still testing out the waters and haven't fully come out yet. hurry up already! :) *sigh!*

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

1st phyto harvest!

i split my starter nanno phyto culture super thin and ended up having to wait 2 weeks before i could harvest. i'm really happy with the results! it's super green with no icky smells under the sink! 

i ended up adding 1 liter of our 1st harvest to our brine shrimp grow out tank since the water was almost clear and was able to save a liter in the fridge as a back-up while the phyto culture re-grows after this week's split. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

green green nanno phytoplankton culture!

update: 2013-05-08
the nanno phytoplankton culture is doing well! super green and no nasty chunking on the bottom or strange smells! yay!

from 2013-05-02:
my nanno phytoplankton + phyto-food order arrived today. super excited to finally get my 'green water' experiment going! check out the difference in the water... the brine shrimp are swimming in the stuff i tried to use as a phytoplankton culture and the two bottles are the new nanno liquid culture that arrived today. i plan on cleaning out my brine shrimp grow-out tub tonight since i feel bad they're living in nasty urine colored water.