Sunday, January 3, 2010

Wishlist: Archohelia Rediviva

Surprisingly, Corals Of The World by Jen Vernon had virtually 0 informative text on this species. Luckily, Google was able to provide a little more info. We're keeping an eye out on Live Aquaria's WYSIWYG section. Cross your fingers!



    Unknown said...

    where do you live...? i recently got a piece from cherry corals at the MAX... i wanted to get the entire colony, but it was sold when i got there... so i have only a piece... good luck... i think it's going to be more accessable in the future...

    Braddo said...

    We live in Seattle, WA. I saw some available from cherry corals about two months ago but I couldn't bring myself to buy it. Too expensive for something I don't know how to take care of. Ping us back after a month or two and let us know how its doing for you.

    How was MAX? We don't get any good aquaium frag swaps or expos in this part of the country.